Injured and Overwhelmed?

Get a clear breakdown of your legal options (in plain English) so you can make the best decisions possible.

You can request your free consultation by dialing 678.358.2564 or clicking the button below.

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Here are some of the questions that might be heavy on your mind:

When you request a free consultation, I will answer all these questions - and any others you may have. I will carefully walk you through your legal options, empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. 

When we chat, you’ll:

Get Clarity on Your Options

Whatever your injury and loss - big or small - I will listen to your story.

I will ask questions that help get you answers. I will track down documentation (police report, photos, bills) that help me understand your case. 

This process may take a few phone calls over 3-4 days, but by the end, I will be equipped to competently advise you.

Ask me anything - I'll give you plain answers.

I have specialized in personal injury law in the state of Georgia for the last 26 years, but I try not to talk like a lawyer. No legalese. I’ll cut through the tangled insurance-speak so you can clearly understand what’s going on. 

By the end of our chats, you'll have a confident understanding of your options.

Gain Control of Your Case

I hate it when professionals take control away from their clients.

An attorney should give you power - not take it away. And that’s what I will do for you. I will empower you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family by walking you through your options and giving my professional advice. 

After your free consultation, you will have the option of hiring me to do the heavy lifting on your case.

You may not need a lawyer. But if my services are a good fit, I can give you a deeper level of control over your case. I will work for you to handle everything - giving you total peace of mind. You call the shots, I take care of the details.

And in case you're wondering, I don't get paid unless you get results. To parrot an overused slogan, "No fee until you win."

Uncensored Client Reviews

Here's What My Past Clients Want You to Know About My Services

He was a Godsend!!!

I work in the insurance field and have dealt with 100's of accident related attorneys and Pete is one of a kind!! Truly! He is so Empathetic with his clients, Honest, straightforward with expectations and responsive the whole process! I was blown away with how on top of everything he was!! That's is so invaluable going through something that rips your life apart like this. I received a great settlement and was able to get my life back on track because of him! Thank you Attorney Pearson for being so great!!!!! Hopefully I wont need you again but if I do, I will never hire anyone else!!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!

- Sara

Caring, Knowledgable Attorney

"Peter spent a great deal of time patiently explaining the legal options to
us and what to expect. When we asked questions, he got back to us with an answer very quickly. Of the numerous times we asked questions, never once did Peter show any impatience or unconcern. Just the opposite actually. I trust not only his legal judgment and his recommendations, but I trust Peter as a person. He took care of many details for us, which alleviated much of our concern and distress."

- Ernest and Nancy

Fantastic experience

"Peter Pearson is a compassionate and truly knowledgeable lawyer. He is incredibly wise, consistent, and reliable. I found him to be unbelievably helpful. Despite his hectic schedule, he was always ready to answer questions and offer explanations and assistance. In the face of a horrible situation, I found myself grateful just for the opportunity to meet him and work with him. I would recommend his services to anyone in need. I have rarely met a man so full of integrity and faithfulness to his work and his clients."

- Dana

Get All Your Legal Questions Answered for Free - No Charge. No Commitments. No Stress.

Click the button below to send a text or voicemail. I will personally call you back as soon as possible.

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Or just dial: 678.358.2564